Friday, September 18, 2009


This morning when the alarm went off I forced myself to get out of bed and made my way to the girls' room to make sure Lily was up and getting ready for school. The light was on, I noticed, and as I neared I heard giggling. When I pushed open the door, Lily and Annika were both in Annika's crib surrounded by books. "I'm reading to Annika," Lily said, when she saw me standing there, watching them. "You're both in the crib," I noted, Mistress of the Obvious. Annika laughed uproariously at this.

"Two Lilys!" she said, pointing to herself and then to the actual Lily. "Two Lilys in crib!" I wonder if Lily will always loom so large to her little sister, be the sun around which all else orbits, so much so that her name, in some contexts, seems to have become synonymous with "girl."

1 comment:

Ub said...

As someone who is a younger sister, I can definitely say that yes, my older sister was and still is, my sun. The bond of sisters is a strong one, one that I'm so glad Lily and Annika are experiencing :)