Monday, January 26, 2009

Mafiosa Baby

I'm really spent. Long day today, longer one tomorrow. So I bring you a (very) brief anecdote from bedtime on 16th Street.

Lily is climbing into bed, Annika toddles in carrying as many of the fish pieces from her fishing puzzle as she can fit in her two cupped hands. 

"Look, Mama," Lily says, pointing. "Annika wants to sleep with her puzzle pieces. Is that a good idea?" 

I bend down to Annika's level, try gently to take the wooden fish from her. She shakes her head, says, "No, no, no." 

"Okay," I say, giving in easy. "Looks like you want to sleep with the fishes." Yikes, I think, as soon as the words come out of my mouth. How often does that line roll off one's tongue out of context? I consider sharing the joke with Lily, but then--wisely--reconsider. 

In the words of the immortal Vito Corleone, "I have a sentimental weakness for my children." Okay. Not quote the same thing. But still.

1 comment:

Betsy said...

awesome. At least you didn't have to adjudicate between the gun and the cannoli. Yet....