Wednesday, February 25, 2009

In the Moment, Not Always What You Feel Like

I have a very hard time taking the long view. Everything always seems so intense and irrevocable to me in the minute, and I so often find myself desperately wishing I were the kind of person who would ever be described as happy-go-lucky or go-with-the-flow. I also have a very bad habit of living in my head during times of crisis, of feeling unable to reach out to people who might be able to help me or counsel me. I'm not sure why this is so. 

I don't mean to be cryptic, or alarmist. In fact, 2009 is, as I hoped, taking a different path thus far than 2008, and much is good here on 16th Street. But this has been a very difficult week, and all I can say is that when I returned home this evening after two long-scheduled events at which my presence was required, I was very glad to be able to smile when I noticed that both dogs were spotted all over with stickers. Scout had one right in the middle of his nose.

Breathe. This is my message for the day. Just breathe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You ok?