Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Can't Quit

Writing: I wish I knew how to quit you.

Not really, although pretty much yes, most of the time, I hate to be writing this, let alone thinking it, and it is true that I don't mean it in that if given the choice to never have to write again, or feel the impulse to do so, I would take that choice, I do mean it in that these days I wish so much of the time that I had gone to medical school and become a world-famous brain surgeon, or even just a well-paid dermatologist who could leave work in time to have dinner with her kids.

My relationship to--with?--writing these days has some very Brokeback Mountain elements. I am full of yearning and dreams, self-loathing and shame. (No, Dad, this does not mean I am secretly a gay cowboy.) The other day, a new friend who is a successful novelist posted a Facebook Status Update that said something like: I hate writing, and although I had just met this woman I felt an overwhelming kinship with her and immediately posted back to her with such enthusiasm she's probably still thinking: Yikes. What's her problem? I was just kind of kidding.

It's the "kind of" that's important there, because I suspect, actually, she does hate writing, sometimes, just like I do, and maybe she even wishes she could run from it, "quit it," choose something else, something safer, saner, more socially acceptable and consistently productive, either to do for a living or simply to love.

I think that's one of the reasons I am writing this blog right now: to try to make myself fall back in love with writing, or in the hope that if I don't let myself run away from it, keep my relationship to--with?--it out in the open, that it won't just quietly disappear. It's always better to be honest, right? Out in the open and true? Writing, I don't really wish I could quit you. Except when I really, really do.


Anonymous said...

great post

Christie said...

Brilliant. I totally get it.

sheila said...

Full of energy. Loved it.

Liza said...

In BIRD by BIRD by Ann Lamott she says of writers:

“They will have days at the desk of frantic boredom, or angry hopelessness, of wanting to quit forever, and there will be days when it feels like they have caught and are riding a wave.”

Hope you catch your wave soon.

Anonymous said...

Three days later - Did you learn how to quit? :-)